Kand knob for Hex Bits



This super handy knob for tightening screws and bolts is great for small spaces where a drill can’t reach. It fits hex bits that are 6.3mm wide, which should be most bits sold in North America. To see our latest colors, please visit the colors page here.

We use the following materials for our models:

PLA (polylactic acid)
PLA is a light duty plastic that is good for figurines, wall art, and other applications where heat and weight are not an issue.

Silk PLA
Similar to PLA, but Silk has the added benefit of having a shiny surface when printed. There are also options for dual color Silk.

PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol)
PETG is slightly stronger than PLA in that is can handle higher heat and is slightly flexible. This material is often used for plastic water and soda bottles. It can be used for everything that PLA can be used with, and can also be used in machines for certain parts.

Luminous (Glow-in-the-dark)
This material is the same as PLA, except it glows in the dark!

This is a PLA material that has a rough texture and a look similar to sandstone. It is not durable like a rock, but it is a very pretty material. The other Blend that is available has a wood-like look to it.

Need something stronger and more heat resistant? Send us a message for a quote!

Credit for the design and picture belongs to @joaopdmdias on Printables.com, and is licensed under GNU Public License v2.0 https://www.printables.com/@joaopdmdias_1168087
Please check out their other designs!

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 9 × 3 × 1 m

Red, Blue, Green, Pink, Black, White, Light Blue, Gray, Yellow, Orange, Purple, White (glows green), Dark Gray (glows blue), Copper Silk, Purple Silk, Lime Green Silk, Silver/Green Silk, Gold Silk, Silver Silk, Blue Silk, Silver/Blue Silk, Maroon/Green Silk, Red Silk, Sparkle Blue PETG, Transparent PETG, Gold PETG, Dark Green PETG, Magenta PETG, Black PETG, Transparent Blue PETG, Pink PETG, Purple PETG, Orange PETG, Red PETG, Wood Blend, Rock Blend


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